Friday 13 April 2007


I'm rather liking that link to the girlie's blog who made handmade notebooks with Angie Hughes, Laura, scrummy aren't they? I bought some Paverpol with some money I got for my birthday and am wondering if I can use it experimentally on book covers. Once the show's over I might have a fiddle and see what's what!

Thursday 29 March 2007

Seed Network

We've got the Lynne Franks book, Grow, at the library. I had a quick flick ages ago but might go and reinvestigate tomorrow. I'm liking the look of the retreat in Mallorca! :o) Mind you, anything that would take me away from reality at the moment would be welcome!

Oooh - e mail

I've added an e mail option onto my profile - now to see if the spam goes ballistic. If so, it'll be gone. It's a different e mail to anything else I use so I feel kind of safe. I know exactly what you mean SJ - that's why I've been so circumspect with addies.


OK SJ, I've signed onto Allpeers - now what do I do? If you use the e mail for this blog I can tell you my user ID if that helps

Photoshop Brushes

Oooh - lovely! Anyone care to tell me how to use them - please!

Wednesday 28 March 2007



I'd love all of my delicious friends to be able to post onto this blog too. If you want to, please e mail me at deliciousfriends [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk so I can send you an invite

Thursday 8 March 2007

Dot Krause

Oh what can I say - how wonderful?!