Thursday, 29 March 2007


OK SJ, I've signed onto Allpeers - now what do I do? If you use the e mail for this blog I can tell you my user ID if that helps

1 comment:

sjm said...

HI there, i tried to leave you email by clicking the little email icon with the arrow.

What happens is, that you need both the email of the person who you are emailing and your own email in the form that pops up.

I am funny about leaving even my rubbish email out on the itnernet these days, not because of people, but the horrible horrible spam.

I will leave my email address for you in different sentences for you to put together

first part:


I'll leave the rest of it in a delicious bookmark description later :)

sorry to be a pain, but lately i have been getting 300 spam emails a day at my business account! Yuck!